Très Spa Aromatic Mist – Sanctuary


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Très Spa Sanctuary Mist is our synergy blend of pure essential oils in a convenient spray. We combined only two plant oils to create this simple treasure; Lavender and Chamomile. Both are well known in aroma therapy for their calming effect. There are even more reported topical benefits of these two oils mostly their antiseptic qualities.
People who like this enjoy the aromatic effects of Lavender and Chamomile in creating a soothing comfortable environment and may talk of the benefits in restful sleep.
In creating our skin safe, environmentally friendly, mists we use only pure essential oils. You can use them to scent yourself, your linen, or scent your environment.

Très Spa Mists are Aroma Therapy for you and your environment. We use only pure essential oils in creating our skin safe, environmentally friendly, mists. You can use them to scent yourself, your linen, or scent your environment. Très Spa Mists make a perfect alternative for eco-friendly air freshener. Take one along in the car or keep one in your office to freshen the air. How about using them as a natural alternative to perfumes? Need to freshen those sheets? Try a quick spritz of Très Spa Mist.

Additional information

Weight N/A

80ml, 250ml